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with Worship Songs Preview

The apostle Paul instructs us on worship in 1 Corinthians 14:15 when he writes "I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also." By this, he lets us know that we are not to turn our minds off when we worship the Lord together with His people each Sunday. We are to consider the truths we sing!


The goal of this page is to provide demos of each Sundays songs to help you prepare your heart for our next worship service together. While these may not match the exact version we use, may it help you think, in advance, about the truths of God, His Word, the gospel and the Christian life that we will sing together. Stop by each week and (to borrow a phrase from Robert Robinson's hymn, "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing") help "tune [your] heart to sing Thy grace."



















Order of Worship for Sunday, March 2nd

10:30 AM Service


Click here to access our current Worship Guide with the latest announcements.


Congregational Call to Worship

"And Can It Be"

by Charles Wesley & Thomas Campbell


Scripture Reading​

Matthew 26:36-46


Pastoral Prayer


Congregational Song

"By Faith"

by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty & Stuart Townend​​​


Congregational Song

"Be Thou My Vision"

Traditional Irish hymn and melody

Arr. by John Wasson


Congregational Song

"His Mercy Is More"

by Matt Papa & Matt Boswell


Pastor Jon Beck


Song of Response

"Have Thine Own Way, Lord"

by Adelaide A. Pollard & George C. Stebbins


Closing Prayer​


One of the core values we have at Tabernacle Baptist Church is the need to gather together to worship the Lord as the body of Christ. We understand that at times illnesses and other circumstances may cause us to be providentially hindered from attending. With that in mind, we want to provide you with worship slides to use so that you can sing along with us as you are able.

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