Agape Love… love in action
Not feeling love, but doing love
What love does & What love does not do
Paul is painting a portrait of love, and Jesus Christ is sitting for the portrait. He lived out in perfection all of these virtues of love. This beautiful picture of love is a portrait of Him. (John MacArthur- 1 Corinthians Commentary)
Remember the context. Spiritual gifts within the life of the church
Our relationship with others is a direct reflection of our relationship with God.
Love does not insist on its own way – v. 5
Seek to be second rather than first
Even when deserved… we are 2nd
Opposite of … I want my own way
Others not me.
Love it is not irritable – v. 5
not easily angered
when the inside comes out (our heart)
Our tongue. Our Words
We should only be angered by the things that anger God
Love is not resentful – v. 5
keeps no record of wrongdoing
Bringing things up
Does not keep score
Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing – v. 6
Rejoice when someone fails
Find satisfaction in the wrong of others
Gossip at the failure of others
Love rejoices with the truth – v. 6
Biblical truth applied in life
Shines the light on the right of others
Looking for and focusing on the right
Conclusion – Driving the point home – v. 7
A summary and conclusion of this section – vv. 3-7
all things – in every way – everything in accordance to God’s divine tolerance.
Love bears all things
to cover, to cover over in silence
Willing to cover up
Love never protects the sin but is anxious to protect the sinner.
Love believes all things
Not suspicious.
Thinking the best and not the worst
Love hopes all things
Refuses to take failure as the final answer
Looking toward the future.
Love endures all things (the present)
Military term… hold the line at all cost
Willing to do whatever it takes
Love bears what otherwise is unbearable; it believes what otherwise is unbelievable; it hopes in what otherwise is hopeless; and it endures when anything less than love would give up. After love bears it believes. After it believes it hopes. After it hopes it endures. There is no “after” for endurance, for endurance is the unending climax of love. JOHN F. MACARTHUR JR., 1 CORINTHIANS, MACARTHUR NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARY (CHICAGO: MOODY PRESS, 1984), 355.