Previous verses… Who is invited and who is coming into the Kingdom?
The cost of discipleship.
Multitudes were following him.
Attraction is not the same as discipleship.
What is a disciple?
A saved person who is learning to live under the Lordship of Christ.
Following & Learning
I do not follow to get…I follow because I have already been given. (Not what He is going to do, but what He has done)
Love Christ and Love the things that He loves
Following with Passion, Purpose, Persistence
A disciple is someone:
that has accepted Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord
that is growing daily in their relationship with Him
that is serving Him by their involvement and ministry within the fellowship of His Church
True Disciples love Jesus more than anything else – v. 26
Above family and self
Hate…Not in the general since… lesser love.
Love Christ more
Value, importance, attention.
True Disciples bear their own cross – vv. 27-33
Deny self – v. 27
Obedience. Following after.
A life of sacrifice (Time, Talents, Treasures)
Give up…our plans, ambitions, desires
Give Him our best… not our left overs
Two Illustrations – vv. 28-32
Tower, King in battle
Consider what is at stake
What commitment is needed
Anticipating the future. Continuing on
33 So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple
True disciples continue on – vv. 34-35
Preserves… Enhances.
Salt that is not salt… is useless.
The What Now
We need to check the genuineness of our repentance and faith.
Have we counted to the cost. Have we given the Lord our all.
In our desire to see people saved we can be guilty of lowering the expectation of following Christ.
It is easy to say that “I believe in Jesus” Conversion is when we say we believe and we live for Christ.
Saved now…disciple later
As a true believer are we growing daily as a disciple?