The coming of the Messianic Kingdom
The kingdom of God – The sovereign rule and reign of God over His creation.
Matthew 6:10 – Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
A false view of the Kingdom
The Israelites were waiting for the messianic kingdom to be ushered in by a charismatic King and deliver them from the bondage of the Roman Empire.
Obvious, powerful.
Military, political, social, economical impact
Yet, the Kingdom of God is just the opposite. It is not a “man” driven dynamic (From the outside in), but God ordained (from the inside out). This is one of the main issues the religious leaders had with Jesus. He did not fit their understanding of the change that was to come.
The Mustard Seed
Smallest in size yet grows to large bush/tree
Able to allow birds to permanently live
The early church started with just a handful. No spectacular visible significance. Yet grew into the visible church.
Yet, when He returns… it will be very visible. Revelation 19:11-16
The Leaven
Hid – Not obvious to the world (the worlds perception)
Has the power to TRANSFORM the dough
Over time, Serving its purpose
From a small and seemingly insignificant beginning, the kingdom of God grows—at times invisibly and almost imperceptibly—until it reaches all nations with its transforming power.PHILIP GRAHAM RYKEN, LUKE, ED. RICHARD D. PHILLIPS, PHILIP GRAHAM RYKEN, AND DANIEL M. DORIANI, VOL. 2, REFORMED EXPOSITORY COMMENTARY (PHILLIPSBURG, NJ: P&R PUBLISHING, 2009), 30.
The spread of the Kingdom
Acts 1:8 – slow, steady growth, WHERE YOU ARE. KEEP IT GOING
A true church growth model. THE EARLY CHURCH
The power of the Kingdom
For those who believe (all who believe) TARGET GROUP
Power of the Gospel. BRING CHANGE
Completely, totally, eternally
IN IT the righteousness of God
The Influence of the Kingdom
Household of God
We are individual members of a family
Church of the living God
Church of… His possession.
Pillar and Buttress of truth
The foundation and protector of truth
The Success of the Kingdom
Because of His Incarnation and Exaltation
We have been redeemed
We have been filling with the Holy Spirit
We have the power of the Gospel
We are the church of the Living God
bow … confess. The entire intelligent universe is called to worship Jesus Christ as Lord (cf. Ps. 2). This mandate includes the angels in heaven (Rev. 4:2–9), the spirits of the redeemed (Rev. 4:10, 11), obedient believers on earth (Rom. 10:9), the disobedient rebels on earth (2 Thess. 1:7–9), demons and lost humanity in hell (1 Pet. 3:18–22). The Greek word for confess means “to acknowledge,” “affirm,” or “agree” which is what everyone will eventually do in response to Christ’s lordship, willingly and blessedly or unwillingly and painfullyJOHN F. MACARTHUR JR., THE MACARTHUR BIBLE COMMENTARY (NASHVILLE: THOMAS NELSON, 2005), PHP 2:11.