Spirits leading in the “wilderness”
Battle with good and evil (Jesus and Satan)
Importance of the Word
Jesus is in the wilderness… The Exodus. They failed but Jesus did not. Jesus is the TRUE ISRAEL
Jesus demonstrated His Lordship, and we can learn from Him!
God does not temp people only Satan
Lures to do evil
People can test God
Our sinful desires to do that which is against the things of God
Daring God to prove Himself
The Devil
Diablo – Accuser (in the court room)
God is not. Jesus is not
Tempting Jesus to act apart (independently) from God
Offering shortcuts to living a faithful life of trust and obedience.
The devil will use the same tactics to tempt us.
Notice what Satan brings into question when he tempts Christ, just as he will tempt us to sin against God.
Our Needs – vv. 3-4
If you are the son of God
Questioning who Jesus is
Putting immediate needs over eternal purposes
My needs or God’s will
Physical nourishment/Spiritual nourishment
Our Worship – vv. 5-8
If you, then, will worship me
Giving to Satan what belongs to God.
Our allegiance, worship
We glorify Him as we live under His LORDSHIP
Our Faith – vv. 9-13
If you are the Son of God
Satan twists Scripture to test God.
Not trusting in the truth and promises of God’s Word
Truths to Consider
Temptation is not sin.
Temptation will come to everyone.
We must learn to resist.
We do not rebuke, but RESIST (just say NO)
We utilize spiritual weapons (Follow the example of Jesus).