Jesus turns his attention to his disciples
Lesson on stewardship
Being SHREWD with our calling (Christ follower)
Investing in the future
The world thinks one way
The Parable of the Shrewd Manager – vv. 1-8a
Wasting possessions of the master
Knew he was in trouble
Lost his job
Unable to do other jobs
Developed a plan to succeed
Went behind his master
Cut deal with those that owed master
The Point of the parable
The dishonest manager did what was necessary to invest in his future.
Lessons for His Disciples – vv. 8b-13
Make friends for eternity
Manager utilized earthy possessions for earthy rewards
Disciple should utilize earthy possessions for eternal rewards
Faithful in a little=Faithful with much
Do the little and big takes care of itself
How we handle our money is an indication of other spiritual matters.
It is an indication of our heart
True Disciples have only one master
Serve… involuntary service.
Unable to serve two masters. ONE ONLY
The love of money dictates our purpose, vision, passion, goals, etc.
The Reaction of the Pharisees – vv. 14-15
Loved money
Ridiculed the Words of Christ
God sees the heart
The What Now
We should honor God with our stuff
Time, Talent, Treasures
Spend our resources with eternity in mind
Think of in percentages.
How much am I investing in eternity
Obey the Spirit of God and reap His blessings
As the Spirit leads… we need to obey
Pray, Seek God’s will for your life.
Shrewd with His gifts upon our life.
We are in middle management!