The Kingdom Has Come and is Still on its Way (vv. 29-33).
He tells them a parable
A lesson about the previous verses (vv. 20-28)
People have different views of the previous section
Some think there will be an increase in the days of prosperity as many people come to faith in Christ.
Some think the world will become more wicked as the days of the Lord’s return draws near.
I believe that both ideas are true to some extent. It is clear that we are not currently facing the widespread persecution like the early church. However, we can also see how quickly society can descend into wickedness and evil when we look at our current situation across the globe.
THE KEY IS… everything is in motion. We are headed forward in God’s plan of redemption history!
The Kingdom is here
Near Matthew 4:17
What Christ fulfilled with His coming.
The Cross. Redemption.
It is finished. John 19:30
Our conversion Colossians 1:13-14
Reigning in heaven Ephesians 1:20-21
The Kingdom will be fully established
Accomplished at His second coming.
Our Charge is Faithfulness as We Wait – vv. 34-38
Watch yourself…watch our hearts
Weight down
Distracted, preoccupied.
Drunkenness and cares
Mind not right
False idols. (Mind/heart) Romans 12:1-2
Stay focused and prayed up
Stay awake. Pray.
Live each day focused on the Lord and His will
Worshiping Him. Devotion to Him. Listening to and trusting Him.
Endure through obedience
As we fulfill v. 36a.
We accomplish v. 36b
Escape these things. Will will persecution. We will face heartache.
But, we will not face the judgment of God. His wrath.