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  • Tabernacle Baptist Church

The King Has Arrived (Luke 19:28-48) - 9/22/24


  • Jesus has arrived to Jerusalem

  • The Passion week 19:28-23:56 (The Open Bible)

    • Sunday: The Triumphal Entry 19:28–44

    • Monday: Cleansing the Temple 19:45–48

    • Tuesday: Public Ministry 20:1–22:6

    • Wednesday: Nothing shared in Gospels

    • Thursday: Passover and Arrest 22:7–53

    • Friday: Trials and Crucifixion 22:54–23:55

    • Saturday: In the Grave 23:56

He Enters the City – vv. 28-40

Jerusalem – Foundation of peace

Acquiring the Colt

  • God’s Timing

  • God’s Preparation


The people’s reaction

  • Disciples rejoice

    • Spread their cloaks on the ground (welcoming a king 2 Kings 9:13)

  • Pharisees reject

    • They ask Jesus to rebuke His disciples

He Grieves Over the People – vv. 41-44

  • Weeps over their rejection. We see the humanity of Jesus

  • Isaiah 9:6. He is the Prince of Peace

  • Isaiah 52:7 He Brings the message of peace

  • Judgement awaits

He Enters the Temple – vv. 45-48

  • Malachi 3:1-2. He enters the Temple but things are not as they should be.

  • Denounced their worship. Rather than God being the focus… it is on man (UNPURE MOTIVES)

  • Instead of praying for the people, the priests were preying on the people! (Warren Wiersbe)

  • Communion with God verse Profit for man

  • Daily teaching in the temple…THE KINGDOM

Questions to Consider:

  • Who is Jesus to you?

  • What do we believe about Him?

  • How do we receive Him?

  • How do we worship Him?

  • How do we listen…obey Him?

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