Last week… We need to be ready. Faithful and obedient
This week… We see the impact of His mission. (What he came to do and how it impacts our life.}
How do we respond to the Gospel?
Disciples respond… hear, believe, trust, obey, live.
The Gospel calls for Division – vv. 49-53
Cast fire
His suffering and death
Bring Division
Jesus has ALWAYS divided
Right and Wrong
TRUTH divides
Family. Loved ones
The Gospel calls for Discernment – vv. 54-56
When you see
They can predict the weather
Yet, cannot interpret the times
Jeus is the fulfillment of God’s promises, yet they would not believe
Jesus is the fulfilment of all God’s promises, yet DO WE BEILEVE
People cannot see Jesus for who He is because they do not want to
If we are really looking… then we will see
Spirit stirs the heart. Gives us eye to see
God opens the eyes of heart
The Jewish people, in particular their religious leaders, viewed themselves as being “a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, a corrector of the foolish, a teacher of the immature, having in the Law the embodiment of knowledge and of the truth” (Rom. 2:19–20). Yet they failed to discern the monumental and unparalleled reality that God’s Son the Messiah was among them and proved who He was by an incalculable array of supernatural miracles. That shocking lack of discernment in the face of such evidence rendered them permanently blind, darkened, foolish, and immature. They had failed to comprehend the true purpose of the law, which is to point people to Christ (Gal. 3:24), and they failed to confess Him as Lord (Rom. 10:9–10)
The Gospel calls for Diligence – vv. 57-59
Each must be concerned of the plight of their life.
The now. The eternal
Make things right when you can
Once judgment is passed… it is to late
Trust in Christ and live for Him
The What Now
Do not strive for unity at all cost, but embrace and stand for truth at all costs. The Gospel does divide. Be a pleaser of men or a pleaser of God. Galatians 1:10
True spiritual discernment acts upon knowledge and wisdom. As we seek… we should obey.
Seek, Know, Do, Trust….REPEAT
Do today what needs to be done today… why wait on tomorrow?
Robbing yourself of a blessing and are awaiting discipline