The sign of the times… things are heating up
Jesus’ instructions… WARNING
Satan’s influence… The battle ahead
The Reality of Spiritual Warfare
GUARD YOUR HEART – vv. 31-34
Remember, God loves His Own (Fatherly love)
Simon, Simon
Martha, Martha Luke 10:41
The message is for all believers
You. v. 1 is plural
All the disciples
Satan’s tactics
Must have permission
To sift (separate)
The Lord’s Protection
Christ as our mediator (Praying for His)
His power and authority
His protection, patience, forgiveness
John 21; 1 Peter 1:3-9
The Initial Response
Peter… I will go to war with you
Desire was there, but he was missing the point
Who Jesus was and what He came to do
The reality of living as a Christian in a fallen world
Jesus came… called them. Sent them out
BUT NOW… New Mission (for all disciples
Before the cross. After the cross
We are in the midst of the battlefield
Scripture must be fulfilled
Isaiah 53:1-12 Rejection, Suffering
The mission is being revealed.
The Battle is Real
We need to know our enemy
The Devil
The World. Satan is the God. False ideologies.
The Flesh. The me that is still there. Desires of the flesh.
God has provided all that we need (Our weapons)
The Armor of God – Ephesians 6:1-20
Our battle plan is the key to success (Our daily devotion and discipline)
Live a Word saturated life
Believe, Read, Meditate, Live out (DO)
Yield to the Holy Spirit
Worship, Word, Prayer
Remember your calling/purpose
Follow Jesus
Fulfill the Great Commission EV/DIS
Exalt the Savior, Equip the Saints, Evangelize the world
Embrace the importance of the Church
Love, Serve, Invest
Protection in numbers
Encouragement, Accountability