Martin Luther referred to Psalms as the “Little Bible.”
Spans from the time of Moses to the return of the Exiles (1000 years).
A major theme for Psalms is WORSHIP (Obviously there are other themes found in Psalms, but tonight I want to focus on worship)
A book of Worship for the nation of Israel…then
A book of Worship for the redeemed today!…NOW
God is worthy of worship because of who He is, what He has done, and what He will continue to do.
He is the Ruler who Reigns. (Reigning King)
He is all knowing, all powerful, and ever present.
From “Trusting God” By: Jerry Bridges
God is perfect in Love
God is infinite in Wisdom
God is completely Sovereign
Worship = To give honor. To acknowledge. Bow down. Reverence. Respect, Dependence. (Remember, He is our creator and provider of all things)
Psalms 8 – Praise His name (who He is… His character)
Psalm 19 – Seek guidance and instruction
Psalms 51 – Confess our sin
Psalm 103 – Offer thanksgiving
Psalm 107 – Cry out in need
Since God rules over all, he can provide refuge for his servants and defeat all their enemies (Psalms 3–7; 9–18), turning them into willing subjects (22:27–28). His people can leave their enemies in his hands. He is King now and forever (93:1–2); he “has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all” (103:19). As Creator he provides food for all his creatures and blesses people with all good things (145:15–16; 147:12–20). In short, God is the Great Shepherd who is with his people now in joy and trouble and will usher them into his house to live safely forever (Psalm 23). ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible – Intro to Psalms
Putting Truth Into Action:
What does it mean to worship God?
What are some specific examples of how someone can personally worship God?
How should true worship change the way we live our life?
We desire to worship Him because WE REALIZE who He is.
We have no desire to worship Him because WE DO NOT REALIZE who He is.
Additional Resources:
A deeper dive into the introduction to Psalms
An Introduction to Psalms – ESV Global Study Bible
An Overview of Psalms – The Gospel Coalition
Why We Should be Praying Through the Psalms – Donald Whitney article on 9Marks