This psalm is basically a plea for divine vindication in the light of the oppressor’s allegations and actions. David’s confidence in the divine Judge is the backbone of Psalm 7 (cf. Abraham in Gen. 18:25). As this truth grips him more and more, he will move from a tense anxiety to a transcendent assurance. This psalm follows David through three progressively calming stages of expression in response to the painfully false accusations that were being hurled against him[1]
This is another individual lament from David. The title refers to an otherwise unknown incident in his life when a man of Benjamin (the tribe of Saul) slandered David. The psalm provides a vehicle by which those unfairly criticized and persecuted may call to God for help.[2]
David’s Prayer – vv. 1-5
Save me
He had confidence in who God was
Power, Providence
Search me
“if” three times
Willing to confess
Receive the discipline HE deserved
OUR SIN… blame our sin on everyone else
David’s Judge – vv. 6-9
Deal with my enemies
Arise, lift yourself up, awake for me
God is the righteous judge
He is just and right
Integrity. Not perfection, but the motives of our heart.
God sees the hearts of man
David’s Shield – vv. 10-16
God protects and saves
He is a righteous judge
God judges and punishes
Divine Warrior. Sword, bow, arrow
Notice their actions and results
Mark 7:21-22. Gives birth and grows
David’s Praise – v. 17
Give Him thanks
Praise His name
[1] John F. MacArthur Jr., The MacArthur Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2005), Ps 7:1–17.
[2] Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008), 947.