Firsts in this Psalm
Psalm with a heading – A Psalm of David when he fled from Absalom
Selah – Pause. Rest
MY ENEMY– vv. 1-2
David’s troubles and his enemies:
2 Sam. 7:1 – Peace within the kingdom
2 Sam. 11-12- David’s Sin with Bathsheba
2 Sam. 12-14 – Family troubles
2 Sam. 15-19 – Kingdom taken over by Absalom’s rebellion
2 Sam. 17:24 – David had to flee the rebellion and wait it out across the Jordan
The enemy
Surrounded… Has him hemmed in. “Pressure”
Many and Growing
Many are saying to my soul
Discouragement from the depths of the soul.
There is no salvation for him in God
God cannot help…will not help
YET, God will keep His promises 1 Kings 2:12, 46
MY SHIELD – vv. 3-4
But you, O Lord
He cries out. – This was his battle plan. CALL OUT TO GOD!
Does not address the enemy… He knows God is the one His focus needs to be one. NOT THE TROUBLES.
My Shield
My Glory
Dignity and honor
Lifter of my Head
As a king would life a head of a subject. Acceptance and approval.
I Cry Aloud and He Answers
When he cried out, he know God would answer.
MY DELIVERER – vv. 5-8
I lay down to sleep
David at peace. His confidence and assurance.
I will not be afraid (fear)
Even though the enemy is numerous and the trial great.
Arise, O Lord
Numbers 10:35 – Moses’ prayer.
They rose up against David. God RAISES UP! To rise to accomplish something.
Strike the enemies of the cheek and break their teeth
Defeat, Righteous judgment. Complete. Total
Salvation belongs to the Lord, Your blessing to your people
Deliverance and Blessing belong to the Lord
We will face trials. We will have enemies.
They are not wanted nor or they enjoyed
The goal of the enemy is defeat. To doubt our relationship with God.
Yet, we realize all trials are for God’s glory and our benefit.
Bring about our sanctification. Show us our dependence on Him.
God alone is our shield and lifter of our head
God is enough. Jesus is enough. – Philippians 3:20-21