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Pastor's Blog: VBS -- Now What?

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Updated: Jun 30, 2021

We had a very successful VBS last week and our thanks to Melba and all our volunteers for your efforts. We had 35 children enrolled and 30 of those were not directly connected to our church! We praise God for the previous work done with the Hot Dog Club and several elementary schools which made this possible. Now what? We must follow up. We must reach out to these families, call them, invite them, encourage them to consider the church and more importantly share Christ with them. We will come forward with a follow-up plan soon.

This coming Lord’s Day, Lord willing, we will continue our study of First John. We’ll be back in chapter 2, verses 7-11, on the subject, “No Cause for Stumbling.” We will consider the love of God, commanded and carried out in the life of the believer. When it is, the believer never becomes a cause of stumbling in someone else’s life.

This coming Sunday is also Independence Day where we celebrate the birth of our great nation. I have said it before and will say it again: “You can be a pastor and a patriot, a Christian and a citizen.” There is no reason, biblically speaking, that we should shrink back from loving and serving our country. Fight for freedom and never give up! May God truly bless America, but more importantly, let’s pray for revival that America might bless God! Let’s make America great again!

FAMILY WOW (Worship on Wednesday)- continues this week and we continue our study of Hebrews.

As always, I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Sunday! Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together!

Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom


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