Blessings, Church! We had another great day of worship last Sunday. If you were not able to attend last Sunday, please take time to view the service and listen to the message, “The Judgment Seat of Christ,” from Second Corinthians 5:8-11. Here’s the link: (Please “subscribe” to our page on You Tube.)
God has great things in store for Tabernacle Baptist Church – we are going to work together to reach our community for Christ! Just this afternoon I led a young man named Todd to Christ. He has promised to attend church on September 1! Please pray for him.
I am praying that you will make every effort to be present for worship this coming Sunday morning. Bro Kenny will be preaching. I am going to be in a previously scheduled revival at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Rentz, over near Dublin. The church address is: 1750 Mark Wood Rd, Dexter, GA 31019. The services are Sunday at 11 am and 5 pm, and then Monday through Wednesday at 7 pm. I hope you can come over for one or more of the evening services. Please pray for the Pastor, Dr. Kevin Moore, and for a Holy Spirit sent revival!
Now for the really Good News! We had a blessed and productive Deacon’s meeting last Sunday. I am grateful for the godly men who have agreed to serve this church for Jesus’ sake over the next year. I asked them an important question and I want you to consider it as well. “Are you willing to do whatever it will take to turn Tabernacle Baptist Church around?” The deacons, I am very happy to say, answered in the affirmative. Are you willing to join them?
This is where it gets rough. You remember that old saying, don’t you? - “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” Amen. It’s not Bible, but it is good advice.
Why do we need to change? Because if we don’t, we will die. In his excellent book, Autopsy of a Deceased Church, Thom Rainer points out that churches die, they close their doors, because they clung to the past. He says:
“So what did the deceased churches cling to? What did they refuse to let go of …?
“Worship styles were certainly on the list. As were fixed orders of worship services. And times of worship services. … buildings and rooms, … memorial(s). …
“But more than any one item, these dying churches focused on their own needs instead of others. They looked inwardly instead of outwardly.” (p. 22, emphasis mine)
In order to reach younger families, the deacons have agreed to change our Sunday School and Worship times to 9:15 and 10:30 on Sunday morning. After researching it, we are convinced this will help us reach more people! The kickoff date for this is October 6.
We will also begin Sunday night activities soon. Lord willing, we will have Sunday discipleship at 5:30 pm. On October 6 we will have a Lord’s Supper service. We will not meet on October 13 but will start regular Sunday nights on October 20th with Session One of a seminar called, “Understanding Your Motivation for Ministry.” This is a study of the Spiritual Gifts, based on my book, Your Reasonable Service.
I am delighted to have the privilege of serving as your Interim Pastor,
I love you, YFJS,
Bro. Tom