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Pastor's Blog: He is Risen!

Tabernacle Baptist Church

What a glorious time of year for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ – He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed! I’m looking forward to preaching a message entitled, “The Case for the Resurrection,” from First Corinthians 15, on Resurrection Day. The proofs of the resurrection are many and are critical to the sharing of our faith. Please, invite friends and family to join you for worship this Easter Sunday.

This week is Holy Week, and there are many misunderstandings about the timeline for the week. I think it is important to understand what happened during the final week of Jesus’ life on earth before He was crucified and then resurrected from the dead. An article that my son Nathan assisted me in writing, “Three Crosses, Two Sabbaths, One Empty Tomb,” explains the events of the week and their importance to the church and every Christian who loves the truth. You can read it here:

May God grant you much grace, peace and comfort as you worship Him during Holy Week this year!

God willing, we will return to the book of Daniel next Sunday, April 11, and should finish that book by the end of the month. Please be praying about our next series!

I will be out this Wednesday, so Bro. Kenny will be teaching. The following Wednesday, April 7, we will continue the study of the book “The Church,” chapter 11, looking at the Elements of Worship. We will have more to say about the regulative approach to worship.

As always, I am looking forward to what God will do at Tabernacle this coming Resurrection day! Please be present with your Bibles in hand as we worship the Lord together!

Blessings, YFJS, Bro. Tom


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