Previously – 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 on May 8th
Then… meat sacrificed to idols
Now… the freedoms we have as Christians
How much freedom/Christian liberties do I have as Christian?
Legalisms – I have rules I must follow
License – I can do anything
What are we free to do?
I think we can ask ourselves a few questions to get to the right outcome.
What can I do?
What should I do?
Why am I doing it? (this helps us with the should)
How will it impact others? (this helps us with the should)
What can I do?
All things are lawful for me…v. 22a
Obviously, Scripture is the absolute in our decision making.
We should never go against what Scripture teaches.
Old Testament
New Testament
Our liberties are the decisions in the “gray” area…. where Scripture does not speak.
What should I do?
But not all things are helpful… not all things build up. v. 23
Remember, the thing we are “doing” is seen by others. This is not just a personal decision between me and the Lord. It is a decision that has public consequences.
You can, but should you?
Is it helpful (profitable)?
Does it buildup (edify)?
Will it build up?
Will it tear down?
Think about the impact it will have on you and on others.
At the end of the day, what is the benefit.
I ask myself this more as I have gotten a little older
v. 24 – Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.
Two other questions that help with the SHOULD…
Why am I doing it?
The passion behind our decisions … the reason we do what we do
For Me or Others
My neighbor – v. 24
The glory of God – v. 31
Sermon on June 12 covered this specific scripture
Those who do not know Christ – v. 33
What if we changed our WHY?????
Our life (purpose, passion) would change for all eternity.
Most of our why is self… rather than others.
Even with our liberties… we become self-serving and flaunt our freedoms in Christ.
We focus on our life, future, peace, and happiness
How will it impact others?
Build up others – v. 23
That they might be saved – v. 33
vv. 32-33 – Give no offense to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God, just as I try to please everyone in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved. 11-:1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
Not seeking my own advantage
Just as Christ lived
Imitate me as I imitate Christ
What if we all lived in this way
I follow who is in front… ultimately Jesus
Example, after Example, after Example