A Secure Church - Faithful to Christ (4:1-23) Christ is our strength for life.
1. Satisfied with One’s Station in Life (vv. 10-12)
2. Secure in One’s Status in Life (vv. 10-12)
3. Strong in the Savior (v. 13)
1. Sharing with the Saints (vv. 14-17)
2. Supplied by the Sufficiency of Christ (vv. 18-20) 3. Sanctified by the Sacrifice of Service (vv. 18b, 21-23)
Questions to go deeper with today’s message:
What is contentment?
Is there a difference in being content and being complacent?
How do you learn contentment?
Do you understand the providence of God and are you able to trust it (Eph. 1)?
What does Paul's attitude about the support of the church mean to you personally?
Which is more difficult for you to handle, adversity or prosperity? -If Phil. 4:13 is true, why is the church so ineffective?
If you believe verse 13 is true, why do you so often fail to be all you can be for Jesus?
How does giving evidence contentment?
When you hear that the pastor, or your Sunday School teacher, is going to be giving a sermon or lesson on stewardship, tithing, or giving, what is your initial response?
Does your record of giving to the church reflect contentment and trust in God?
What does it mean to you that God will supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (4:19)?
Do you realize that you have been set apart to serve God?
What does that really mean to you?
Which members of the church are really important to the cause of Christ?