1 Cor. 10:12-13 – Take heed lest you fall…No temptation has overtaken you… God is faithful… He has provided a way
The warning of idolatry
The danger of idolatry
The futility of idolatry
A quick review from last week…
They were loved
My Beloved – v. 14
They were empowered
Sensible People – v. 15
The Warning of Idolatry – v.14
Flee – v. 14
Idolatry – v. 14
The Danger of Idolatry – vv. 16-20
Consider the picture of the Lord’s Supper – vv. 16-20
We fellowship at the Lord’s table
The Lord’s Supper
His body…His Blood
We fellowship at another
The table of Satan
The Futility of Idolatry – vv. 21-22
Futility of idolatry because of the hypocrisy of idolatry
You cannot worship both – 21
Either one or the other
Matt. 6:24 – Cannot serve two masters
God is a jealous God – v. 22
He will have no competition
Romans 1:18-32 – The condemnation of the unrighteous Gentiles
Romans 1:24-25 – GOD GAVE THEM UP
He removed the restraints.
He allowed their sins to run their course
Revelation 21:5-8 – Lake of fire
Are we stronger than He – v. 22
2 Questions to Consider:
Can we find what we are looking for in anything other that God?
Are the objects of trust better?
Do we think He cannot do what He promises?
Our fulfillment, purpose, and meaning in life
Do we think we can get away with it?
The danger of using God as a “token of religion”
I am a Christian, but I am going to do what I want
Do we really think God will allow such hypocrisy?