SCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:12
DISCUSSION: Are we tempted to believe that we’ve already “arrived” (to paraphrase Paul’s phrase “already obtained this or am already perfect”)? What is the danger of the teaching that Christians can indeed be fully perfect this side of heaven?
SONG: “Higher Ground” by Johnson Oatman, Jr. & Charles H. Gabriel
SCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:13-15
DISCUSSION: Paul had a heavenward/Christward focus in His life and teaching. How should we live in light of the eternal life with Christ that awaits us as followers of Jesus? What do you think Paul was referring to when he wrote of “forgetting what lies behind?”
SONG: “Center” by Charlie Hall & Matt Redman
SCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:16
DISCUSSION: Why is it important to be stubborn in holding onto the truth? In a world that quickly sets aside beliefs and makes changes in behavior on a whim, how can we be sure to “hold true to what we have attained?”
SONG: “O Church, Arise” by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend