This is considered a view tough passage of scripture to preach and teach through.
I think this is the case because we tend to overlook the context of Chp. 14
Also, tongues and prophecy can be a divisive subject due to the nature of the charismatic movement.
Yet, I truly believe that there is no controversy… if we will stay true to the Word.
The Situation in Corinth
Consider the church of Corinth. They are a sanctified mess.
New believers. Immature in their faith/understanding
Consider their issues.
Divided over leadership
Sexual sin (incest)
Suing one another
Stumbling block in society (liberties abused)
Improper observance of Lord’s Supper
Misusing spiritual gifts
They had lost their way. They were allowing their emotions and desires to guide their thoughts… rather than God’s Word and Will.
Rather than building up the Lord’s Church they were dividing the it.
Unpacking this three words will help us understand more fully this text
The necessity of edification (building one another up)
Upbuilding, Encouragement, Consolation – v. 3,5,12,26
Edification, spiritual profit
Bring closer to completion
Lift up together
1 Cor. 14:12 – Strive to build up the church
1 Cor. 14: 19 – Instruct the church
Calling to one’s side
Console with the idea of tenderness
When someone is going through a tough time
Sharing a divine truth to others
Apostolic authority
Build up the church – v. 5
People speaking to Man
Sharing God’s Word with man
I believe it is different that “preaching” today
Prophecy is much better than tongues, because all can understand prophesy.
Acts 2 a sign gift. (Sign – this is from God)
Spoke in foreign languages so that all could understand
HERE…. It has turned into a private prayer language. A language unknown. Words that make no sense. ECSTATIC UTTERANCE
Builds up himself – v. 4
People speaking to God
Striking the emotion… a personal encounter with God
The tension is still there today
Tongues as part of a filling of the Spirit.
Private prayer languages
How tongues was dividing the church
They were utilizing a gift that was not fulfilling its purpose.
Communicating God’s truth to the church
The purpose of the gifts is EDIFICATION
The church of Corinth was a divided and disobedient church
The point of this section is FOR THE CHURCH TO BE MATURING not divided
Tongues was not helping but hurting
Must have interpreters for public setting
Must be for edification
Must me a known language
Be careful in allowing an EXPERIENCE to take the place of the teaching of SCRIPTURE
Matthew 6:7–13 – “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.
Be mature in your thinking – v. 20
Let the Word guide you and not emotions.
Be content with the truths we have been given… stop searching for the unknown and embrace the known
Love God. Love His Word. Love His Church
Put the ministry of the Word at the forefront of our church – v. 24
Allow the preaching and teaching of the Word to be at the center.
Trust the Word to do its work.
True change comes from the Word