Jesus is arrested and taken to high priest’s home
Peter’s confidence is put to the test
He wilted under pressure
From confidence to failure
Lessons on faithfulness, steadfastness, repentance, forgiveness, restoration
Peter wilted at the moment he should have been the strongest.
Three times. Each time is more emphatic.
Unlike Judas who planned the betrayal Fear and worry crept into Peter’s heart
Luke 21:34-36; He did not stand firm and stand fast
Peter’s had a misplaced confidence.
Faithfulness is not based on confidence alone
Peter was confident he never would deny Christ. – v. 33 (Prison and death for you)
He started well… he was following Christ.
Yet, at the moment it came to a head… he stumbled.
Peter lacked in spiritual devotion, preparation, and diligence.
He was spiritually dry/shallow (not prayed up)
Following Christ in his own power and ability
His courage failed
For us today our time in the word, our daily worship and walk.
Our attention to spiritual detail.
Peter was broken and saw his failure.
The rooster crowed (Jesus told him it would happen
Jesus looked
Peter wept. As in grief.
Ran to the tomb after the resurrection Luke 24:12
Yet, the story is not over.
Peter repented. Turned from. Learned from. Lived differently.
Peter and the early church changed the world!!!!!!!! Consider Church History
The true test of discipleship is our witness to the world, not our promises to God
Our private life (What we say to God)
Our public life (under the pressure to stand for Christ)
Jesus knows our weakness, and even before we fall, He has a plan to lift us back up
Luke 22:32-34 – Jesus knows the weakness of human nature
Repentance and Restoration
v. 61 A look of compassion and mercy
We do not need to hide our sin. Jesus sees us and our sin and offers forgiveness.
His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness
John 21
True repentance means more than feeling sorry for sin; it means turning back again and living for Christ.
He sinned and he wept v. 62 (intense emotion)
Tears of disappointment, shame, sorrow
Repentance compared to remorse 2 Corinthians 7:10
Awareness of sin
Turning from sin (more than regret)
Living for God. Changed life