On October 1st, the new church year started. This means that certain committee chairmen rolled off committees and were replaced or the position was left vacant. As indicated in our constitution & by-laws, search committee members serve by virtue of the office they hold. Here is the current list of committee members (and the offices they hold). Please pray diligently for them and the important task they have been given as search committee members!
Scott Bennett (PSC Chairman)
Chairman of Deacons
Terry Connell (PSC Vice-Chairman)
Sunday School Director
Sammy Diggins (PSC Secretary)
WMU Director
Ronnie Griffin
Brotherhood Director
John Holland
Chairman of Finance Committee
Chris Noegel
Chairman of Nominating Committee
Also, on the evening of November 24 at 5:45 PM, prior to our Thanksgiving Meal, we held a special Commissioning Service for the Pastor Search Committee. During that time, the committee read a covenant toward God and the church and the church read a covenant toward and the committee. We then spent time praying over the search committee members and reiterating our pledge to abide by the stipulations in the covenants that were recited.
It was also shared that evening that one of the primary tasks the committee has is to read and discuss Seeking God to Seek a Pastor: Vital Steps for Search Committees and Their Congregations.
The committee will be meeting again soon in December. Pray for them as they continue their work and seek the Lord's will for TBC!