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Beholding the Glory of Christ (Luke 9:28-36) - 9/24/23

Tabernacle Baptist Church


  • They have confessed Jesus as Messiah

  • Jesus shares that He will be a suffering Messiah

  • He then paints a picture of their cross bearing (the discipleship life)

  • Here they will learn that suffering will be the prelude to Jesus’ ultimate glory.

  • It is Christ that fulfills all the promises of the coming King!

Jesus’ Illumination

Throughout Luke’s Gospel we see Jesus praying at crucial times in His ministry

  • In the presence of His Father

They had only seen Him in His ordinary humanity, but now they are seeing Him in divine splendor.

  • Illuminated. Visible glory

    • His deity shining through His humanity

His past gloryJohn 17:1-5

His future glory– Life, Death, Resurrection

Moses and Elijah’s Conversation


  • The Exodus

  • From bondage and captivity to the Promised Land

  • The law giver


  • The great prophet

  • Raised the dead

  • Fire rained down on sacrifice

  • Taken up in chariot

Two of the greatest men in the Old Testament. They were sent by God to deliver and lead the people.

Spoke of His departure

  • Jerusalem. The Cross

  • When they departed Egypt it was the Passover Lamb that made it possible

  • Fire coming down from heave to accept the sacrifice from Elijah


Jesus had come to fulfill the law and the prophets. Here we see EVERYTHING coming together.

Peter’s Confusion

Let us make three tents

  • He wanted to remain in the presence of His glory

  • Seeking a mountain top experience

  • Yet, there is no glory without the cross

  • Plus, he would have only needed ONE tent… not three.

God’s Declaration

He is my Son, the Chosen One

Listen to Him

What this means to us

  • John 17: 20-26

  • We can behold His glory!

  • We can experience the glory of Christ… we do not need to go up on the mountain. We just need to go to the CROSS!

The Christian faith is about Christ; we could describe our lives as magnifying God in Christ by the power of the Spirit. What it means to be a Christian is to be Jesus-centered. All of God’s promises “find their Yes in him” (2 Cor. 1:20). “All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” are “hidden” in him (Col. 2:3). We are “filled in him” (Col. 2:10). Christ is our life (Col. 3:4), and “To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21). The transfiguration communicates the same truth: the Law and the Prophets point to Christ. Jesus is the new and better Moses. He is the true Israel. He is the new and better David. He is God’s very own Son, the true revelation of God. We need, therefore, to listen to him, to meditate on him, to rejoice in him, and to love him. THOMAS R. SCHREINER, “LUKE,” IN MATTHEW–LUKE, ED. IAIN M. DUGUID, JAMES M. HAMILTON JR., AND JAY SKLAR, VOL. VIII, ESV EXPOSITORY COMMENTARY (WHEATON, IL: CROSSWAY, 2021), 869.


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