Scripture: Philippians 3:12-21
Discussion: How does this Scripture passage relate to priorities? What is Paul’s concern in this passage (especially v. 14)? How do you think this relates to Paul’s command to “join in imitating me?”
Song: “The Heart of Worship” by Matt Redman
Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34
Discussion: What does it mean, in light of v. 33, to keep ourselves fixed on Christ and His kingdom? How does Jesus connect the sin of anxiety with seeking first Christ’s kingdom? What anxious thoughts do you need to forsake and trust Christ?
Song: “Seek Ye First” by Karen Lafferty
Scripture: Psalm 23
Discussion: Consider all the benefits we see in Psalm 23. Discuss what they mean for our lives today.
Song: “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” by Isaac Watts