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Reaching Our Community with the Gospel!

Tabernacle Baptist Church

What a blessing this past weekend’s Evangelism God’s Way training was to me! My heart was stirred to have more compassion for the lost, and I had the privilege of going door-to-door with Dr. Rush and watched him lead someone to saving faith in Jesus Christ! Few things are more encouraging to this minister than when someone turns from sin and turns to Jesus!

So, I have a few thoughts while everything is so fresh:

1. Thank you to those who participated!

It encouraged me to know that we visited 67 homes and were able to engage 13 in a gospel conversation using the evangelistic survey. From what I heard last night, some are one step closer to becoming followers of Jesus, and we plan on following up when them.

2. Prayer works!

I was encouraged to see the Lord grant the prayers of Ms. Ellen who stayed behind to pray for us. After Bro. Tom led our new brother to faith in Christ, I looked down and saw that I had a text that said, “Praying for you right now.” The time stamp indicated it was sent at 5:29 PM, about the time we were walking down that man’s driveway or just beginning to witness to him. She had no clue where we were and what was about to happen, and neither did we, but God did!

3. We’re going to keep going!

Tabernacle Baptist Church, be prepared to hear more and more about reaching our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ! God is not done with TBC! As Tom mentioned Sunday, our address is not an accident. We’re here to reach our community!

4. Everyone is getting a New Testament Bible to give away!

On Sunday, you'll Your task will be to give it away this week, preferably with a gospel conversation. God’s Word is powerful, so give it away and unleash the power of the Word of God! Remember that "faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ" (Romans 10:17, ESV)!

5. More details to come!

We’re going to get a regular outreach ministry going so that we can regularly and strategically reach our community with the gospel. I look forward to announcing more in the weeks to come! We know that Jesus had a plan when he sent out the seventy-two evangelists (Luke 10:1-12), and we want to follow His example! We also desire to do a door-to-door effort once a quarter (per Tom’s recommendation).

6. Don’t think we’re too small for God to use!

In his sermon (or during Sunday School), Bro. Tom encouraged us not to despise the day of small beginnings (referencing Zech. 4:10). God is able to do amazing things! In fact, sometimes God has to get us humble and have us get past the “glory days” of the past to see His hand work in the present. I’m firmly convinced God has a plan for our church! Honestly, I wouldn't be here if I didn't firmly believe that!

Let us press on! Let us keep serving! Let us pursue Jesus with ALL that we have and invite others to join us in pursuing Christ together!

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