The church is the best "evangelism program," combining both corporate witness and personal witness together according to God's design. We want God centered, not man centered evangelism (see Tell the Truth by Will Metzger).
The whole gospel is crucial. We want to create a culture of evangelism.
Opportunities: Evangelistic Bible Studies, LIFE groups, Vacation Bible School, Lifestyle Evangelism, Planned outreach ministries of the church
The Women’s Missionary Union (WMU)
WMU is the ladies’ organization that leads the members of Tabernacle in understanding missions and how to become involved in the work of God through the church.
This is done by encouraging participation in the work of the church by praying for our missionaries, supporting our missionaries, learning about and partnering with community organizations, and engaging in mission action activities.
Our Vision Seekers group leads out in this mission work. They meet at the church on the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00am.

What Do We Do for Missions
We believe that it is God’s intention to redeem a people for Himself from all of the peoples of the world. We count it both our privilege and responsibility to proclaim the gospel to all peoples
(Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Peter 2:9-10).
We do this by supporting the work of missions abroad and by sending members of our own congregation to do short-term and long-term missions. We are excited to support the International Mission Board, North American Mission Board, and the State Mission Board and to support two specific families (Hauns and Ketchens).