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TBC Biblical Counseling


“Providing Hope and Help from God’s Perspective”


The Biblical Counseling Ministry at Tabernacle Baptist Church is an intentional discipleship ministry that is based on the truthfulness and sufficiency of God’s Word. This ministry is provided to those living in our community who are seeking God’s answers to the questions, problems, and circumstances in their lives.


"And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God" (Colossians 1:9-10, ESV).


What is Biblical Counseling?

"Biblical counseling is a process of focused discipleship. It is an aspect of discipleship focused on the application of God’s Word and walking in God’s Spirit when dealing with matters of life as a whole. Biblical counseling can be defined as a fluid event and process, as part of the Great Commission, when a follower of Jesus Christ in the service of the Holy Spirit provides face-to-face ministry of the Word to others.


And while Biblical counseling may exist as an event, it is most effective and best understood as a series of events; that is, as a process. The process of encouraging sanctification, bearing with the suffering of others, and applying the truth of God’s Word in a careful way takes time. It takes time to believe and follow the gospel more fully each day. The grace of God, the power of His Spirit, and faithful human effort are needed during the process.


Therefore, for the counsel to be biblical it must be rooted in God, exalting of Jesus Christ, enabled by the Holy Spirit, and offered in love."




For a fuller vision and definition of the philosophy of Biblical Counseling, we endorse the Confessional Statement of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. Biblical Counseling Confessional Statement


The training and certification pathway for our ministry is through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.




The Goal of our Biblical Counseling Ministry


The goal is not necessarily to make the person feel better or simply to remove the problem or change the circumstances.  This hopefully will take place, but the goal is much bigger than that. The goal is to come alongside a person and seek to apply the principles in God’s Word in such a way that the person responds in an obedient and godly manner to the issues of life.


The Strategy


  1. To furnish instruction, encouragement, comfort, restoration and hope.

  2. To provide the basis for biblical change.

  3. To impart spiritual wisdom.


The Tools


  1. Prayer

  2. The Word: Personal study and application

  3. Life within the Church Body

  4. Homework (the Go and Do)

  5. Accountability

  6. Encouragement


What Makes it so Effective


  1. The faithfulness of God to answer prayers

  2. The sufficiency of the Word of God

  3. The work of the Holy Spirit

  4. The encouragement and exhortation of the body of Christ

  5. The disciplined effort of the disciple


Common Issues Addressed


  • Addiction

  • Anger and Bitterness

  • Christian Living & Maturity

  • Communication

  • Conflict

  • Death & Grief

  • Depression

  • Fear and Anxiety

  • Finances

  • Forgiveness

  • Joy & Contentment

  • Marriage & Family

  • Parenting

  • Pre-Marital

  • Sexual Sin

  • Suffering

  • Temptation and Sin


Expectations of the Counselee


  1. A willingness to grow and change into the likeness of Christ.

  2. Complete all paper work provided by the church at the initial contact.

  3. Weekly involvement with a local church. (This will be discussed at your initial session)

  4. Complete any assigned homework prior to each appointment.

  5. Arrive on time and call ahead if you need to reschedule.




The Cost


There is no cost for the counseling, but the counselee is responsible to pay for the materials that will be utilized. This will consist of books that are available for purchase at the church.


The Length of Counseling


50 minute sessions that will meet weekly ranging from 8-12 weeks.


Making an Appointment


  • Come by the church office and pick up the necessary paper work or download from link below.

  • Once the paper work is returned you will be contacted to establish an introductory meeting with a counselor.

  • The paperwork can be emailed or dropped off at the church office.

  • All paperwork must be complete.

  • Please utilize the following email to submit the questionnaire or ask questions about this ministry.





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